The Holy Temple; God With Us - An Interactive, Contemplative "Sacred Service"

We continued in our series, "The Holy Temple; God With Us", and did things a little different this week. We took down some divider walls at the Double Tree where we normally meet and set our rooms up as a small-scale representation of the ancient Jewish temple. We placed multiple objects in the room to represent the objects in the Temple and we learned about what their purpose was in the temple as well as what they symbolically represented about God and his people.All of this, of course, points to Jesus and enlightens us on what Jesus has done for us on the cross — laying his life down as the perfect sacrifice and making it possible that we could enter into the holiness of God, stand before him, and know and speak with him. We then passed through the curtain in the holy of holies and took communion as a reminder of our communion with God through Christ's sacrifice and accomplishment.The video this week is actually just a pre-service live-stream showing you the room and the set-up because we did not stream the entire service this week due to its contemplative and interactive nature.