Christ Our Triumphal King, Luke 19:28-40, with Brian Whitaker

Brian Whitaker speaks to us from Luke 19:28-40 and Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.For the announcements of the week, please check the Calendar. We’d also love to have you join one of the “Common Life Communities” in which most of us will gather this week in smaller groups of friends and family to discuss further meanings and applications of the teaching and how we live it out in our society and weekly life.Remember, you can listen to the high-quality audio recording or view the live-stream, but lower quality, video recording if you prefer.Note: The live-stream was messed up this week and is, for some reasons, incapable of downloading. Yet, for some reason, you can still watch the stream on Periscope and it works alright. We will not be able to embed a YouTube replay, but you can watch the video here: